Ester Nemjó
Absolventka Ateliéru filmové a televizní grafiky na UMPRUM. Věnuje se malbě obrazů, knižní ilustraci, animovanému filmu, grafice, keramice, hudbě. Ráda si hraje se slovy. Spolupracuje s dětským sborem Mifun a mateřskou školou Malvína. Nyní se stará o svou rodinu a když je čas, hraje na violoncello. Pro nakladatelství Meander vytvořila logo edice Chameleón.
A graduate of the Studio of Film and Television Graphics at the Academy of Arts, Architecture, and Design in Prague. She focuses on paintings, book illustrations, animated film, graphics, ceramics, music. She likes to play with words. She collaborates with the Mifun children's choir and the Malvína kindergarten. She now takes care of her family and when the time comes, she plays the cello. She created the Chameleón edition logo for Meander publishing house.