Andrea Tachezy
Výtvarnice, absolventka ateliéru filmové a televizní grafiky na VŠUP. Ilustrovala pro různá nakladatelství téměř ke třicítce knižních titulů, za něž dostala spousty cen. Za tituly Ferdinade!, Bořivoj a blecha Fló a Dům číslo 226 dostala ocenění Zlatá stuha. Kniha O čem sní byla nominována na cenu Czech grand design 2016. Tento titul byl také zařazen do katalogu White Raven Internationale Jugendbibliothek v Mnichově. Když zrovna neilustruje, vymýšlí, navrhuje a realizuje drobné designové produkty do svého e-shopu ( nebo se toulá po lese na koni nebo se psem nebo s oběma.
An artist and a graduate of the film and television graphics studio at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. She has been illustrating for various publishing houses, around thirty books, for which she was awarded. For Ferdinande!, Bořivoj a blecha Fló and Dům číslo 226 she received the Zlatá stuha award. The book O čem sní was nominated by the Czech grand design prize in 2016. That title was also included in the catalog of the White Raven Internationale Jugendbibliothek in Munich. When she is just not illustrating, she creates, designs and makes little design items for her e-shop ( or just rides a horse around, sometimes also with a dog.